Hear John Reilly & Tom Brosseau’s 78, see The 78 Project Movie in Seattle and Portland
The afternoon sun streaming in through the windows took on a longing feel as our Presto clicked on and John Reilly & Tom Brosseau started their haunting harmonies. Though moments before the bright L.A. light seemed gentle and sweet, their performance of the lost love lament “Careless Love” was so perfectly harmonized and utterly heartbreaking, by the time the record was full, it had made even the sunshine understand the song’s timeless yearning.
Our Official Nationwide Release Tour for The 78 Project Movie continues as we cruise up the West Coast to show the film in Seattle and Portland at two amazing independent theaters. We can’t wait to see you there!
Northwest Film Forum
Sunday, September 14, 7:00 pm
1515 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA
Hollywood Theatre
Monday, September 15, 7:30 pm
4122 NE Sandy Boulevard
Portland, OR